Unlock your home's income potential

Owning a second home is a dream for many, but that dream could be even better. It can become an investment that not only pays for itself but also provides a source of consistent income?

Owning a second home is a dream for many, but that dream could be even better. It can become an investment that not only pays for itself but also provides a source of consistent income?

At Longitude, we specialize in turning your second home into a lucrative short-term rental experience. Our story begins in Teton County, Idaho, where we carefully grew in popularity among homeowners, transforming each of their vacation retreats into thriving investments.

The Teton County Transformation:

We organically grew amid the picturesque landscapes of Teton County, Idaho, by offering homeowners a detailed assessment of their property with market research. We demonstrated how easy it is to prepare their home for short-term rentals, and how that decision unlock its true worth. The results were astonishing – not only have properties become a lucrative source of income, but — because we're very attentive — they retained their sentimental value as a cherished retreat. Because our business model works — putting owners and guests first! — we're growing in other markets.

Watchful Care in Extreme Climates:

Owning a second home in an extreme mountain climate requires specialized care, and our team excels in providing just that. From routine maintenance to weather-specific preparations, we take pride in protecting your asset throughout the year. Our proactive approach ensures that your property remains in optimal condition, no matter the season.

Transparent Financial Management:

At Longitude Experience, we believe in transparency and providing our homeowners with the tools they need to make informed decisions. That's why we offer a detailed dashboard that gives owners real-time insights into their building revenue. Beside a real-time dashboard, our monthly statements outline all expenses and revenue, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of your property's financial performance.

Custom Helpline for Guests:

Guest satisfaction is paramount to the success of any short-term rental property. That's why we provide each home with a custom helpline for guests. Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to address any concerns, ensuring a positive experience for your guests and maximizing the potential for repeat bookings.

Tax Assistance:

We understand that managing the tax implications of a short-term rental property can unfamiliar. That's why we provide annual tax statements, simplifying the process for homeowners. With our support, you can navigate the complexities of tax season with ease, ensuring that you maximize your returns.

Feel free to reach out:

At Longitude, we go beyond traditional property management. We turn second homes into thriving investments, offering personalized care, transparent financial management, and peace of mind for homeowners. If you're ready to unlock the full potential of your second home, contact us today and embark on a journey towards a profitable and worry-free investment.